Web Cypress & Cucumber Introduction

Cypress E2E Testing Framework


  1. No more async hell
    Cypress automatically retries the query until the element is found.
  2. Real time reloads
    Cypress automatically reloads whenever you make changes to your tests.
  3. Spies, stubs, and clocks
    Verify and control the behavior of functions, server responses, or timers.
  4. Run with native browsers
    Keep fast, consistent and reliable tests.


![Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 20.34.59.png]({{ site.url }}/assets/images/Cypress-usage-process.png)


 1// describe()- Group your test cases.
 2describe('ThingsPro', () => {
 4  // context() - Usage is the same as describe().
 5  context('Login', () => {
 7    // it() - A test case.
 8    it('error - incorrect email', () => {
10      // get() - Querying behavior.
11      // type() - Action
12      // should() - Create an assertion
13      cy.get('input[type=email]').type('rooot@moxa.com');
14      cy.get('input[type=password]').type('root1234');
15      cy.get('button')
16        .contains('Sign in')
17        .click();
18      cy.get('.toast').should('contain', 
19        'Please check your email and password');
21    });
22  });

Common Querying Methods

API Document

Use jQuery-style selectors.

  1. get(selector, options)
    Yield: DOM elements.

  2. find(selector, options)
    Get the descendent DOM elements of a specific selector.
    Yield: DOM elements.

  3. contains(content, options)
    Get the DOM element containing the text. Yield: DOM elements.


HTML file

1<header><p class="subtitle">This is a website</p></header>

test case

2  .find('.subtitle')
3  .contains('This is a website');

Common Action Methods

  1. click(position, options)

  2. submit(options)

  3. select(value, options)

All Yield current DOM elements.


2  .select('apples')
3  .select('orange');

Assertion Methods

  1. should(chainers, method, value)
    Notice: Any valid chainer that comes from Chai or Chai-jQuery or Sinon-Chai.


1cy.get('a').should('have.attr', 'href', '/login')

Cypress Commands Are Asynchronous

Reference: Commands Are Asynchronous

Use a chain of promises

結合 Promise, Retry 和 timeout 來實作 Chainer object 實現非同步測試。

![Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 11.12.09.png]({{ site.url }}/assets/images/Cypress-usage-chainer.png)


How to set up timeout object.

1// How to add timeout to cy command.
2// For instance: get(selector, options);
3// you can use timeout object to *options* params.
4cy.get('.subtitle', {timeout: 5000});

Run tests serially

將 command 加到特定佇列之中,並在最後才根據佇列順序來執行測試流程。

 1it('error - incorrect email', () => {
 3  // Add commands to a queue.
 4  cy.get('input[type=email]').type('rooot@moxa.com');
 5  cy.get('input[type=password]').type('root1234');
 6  cy.get('button')
 7    .contains('Sign in')
 8    .click();
 9  cy.get('.toast').should('contain', 
10    'Please check your email and password');
13  // Run tests in order.

Somethings you MUST need to know

1. Cypress is the top of Mocha testing framework

Reference: Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework

  • Could use Mocha related reporters(we use mochawesome).
  • Cannot change to your preferred frameworks.

2. Cypress is an E2E testing framework

  • It is very hard to measure code coverage. Issue: Code Coverage #346
  • 如果需要跑 Code Coverage,請額外使用其他 testing library (Mocha)來執行 Unit test.

3. Supported browser Canary/Chrome/Chromium/Electron

  • 目前沒有支援 Chrome headless, 因為 Chrome extension 不支援。不過目前已有解法,還在開發中。
  • Default use headless electron. Will support Chrome headless in coming days. Issue#832: Support chrome headless and change defaults for cypress run
  • If wanna run CI with Chrome, you can use command cypress run --browser chrome . (Notice: This is in head mode not headless.)
  • Will support Firefox in the future.

Run Cypress with Cucumber


Cucumber Github

  • A tool that supports Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)
  • Cucumber executes executable specifications written in plain language.

Feature file & Step js file

  • Feature file .feature - 可由PM或其他非工程師的人撰寫。
  • Step.js - 由工程師搭配 feature file 的內容來實作測試流程。

Write a Feature file

Cucumber Feature Introduction

.feature, 每個 feature file 為一個功能。Feature file 使用可以閱讀的文字敘述並搭配幾個指定單字:Given(前提假設), When(當什麼改變), Then(結果), And,or But. 一個 Feature files 通常包含一系列相關的 scenarios。


Feature: Slider Bar

  Scenario: Enable a Slider Bar
    Given 這是一個 "disabled" 的 Slider Bar
    When 我指定一個檔案存放位置
    Then Slider Bar 的狀態會變成 "enable"

  Scenario: 拉動 Slider Bar 的位置,會顯示正確的值
    When 使用者將 Slider Bar 拉至中間位置
    Then Slider Bar 的值會變成檔案存放量最大值的一半

  Scenario: 當使用者選擇的數值低於建議數值時,則顯示警告訊息
    When Slider Bar 拉到低於建議數值
    Then 會出現建議數值的警告訊息

" " - 標示此詞為 Variable

  Scenario: 輸入錯誤的 End IP 格式,則更新失敗
    Given 進入 DHCP server "Settings" 頁面
    When "End IP" 設定為 ""
    When 點選 SAVE 儲存設定
    Then 顯示 "error" 資訊

  Scenario: 輸入錯誤的 Netmask 格式,則更新失敗
    Given 進入 DHCP server "Settings" 頁面
    When "Netmask" 設定為 ""
    When 點選 SAVE 儲存設定
    Then 顯示 "error" 資訊

  Scenario: 輸入錯誤的 Primary DNS 格式,則更新失敗
    Given 進入 DHCP server "Settings" 頁面
    When "Primary DNS" 設定為 "192"
    When 點選 SAVE 儲存設定
    Then 顯示 "error" 資訊

實作 Step.js file

  • 如果 .feature 中的步驟沒有被實作在 step file 中,就會報錯。



  Scenario: 輸入錯誤的 Netmask 格式,則更新失敗
    Given 進入 DHCP server "Settings" 頁面
    When "Netmask" 設定為 ""
    When 點選 SAVE 儲存設定
    Then 顯示 "error" 資訊

  Scenario: 輸入錯誤的 Primary DNS 格式,則更新失敗
    Given 進入 DHCP server "Settings" 頁面
    When "Primary DNS" 設定為 "192"
    When 點選 SAVE 儲存設定
    Then 顯示 "error" 資訊

Step.js file

 1when(`{string} 設定為 {string}`, (item, value) => {
 2  cy
 3    .get('label')
 4    .contains(`${item}`)
 5    .siblings('input')
 6    .type(value);
 9then(`顯示 {string} 資訊`, status => {
10  cy.get(`.toast-${status}`);

Connect Cucumber to Cypress

Use cucumber preprocessor plugin

![Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 13.22.51.png]({{ site.url }}/assets/images/Cypress-usage-cucumber.png)

Add your plugins to plugins/index.js

1const cucumber = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor').default;
2module.exports = (on, config) => {
3  on('file:preprocessor', cucumber());